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Dental Implant Postoperative Instructions

Congratulations on completing the first step in restoring your teeth with dental
implants. As with any surgical procedure, you can expect a certain degree of discomfort
during the next few days. Relax as much as possible and avoid all strenuous activities
for at least two days following your surgery. If at any time you have a general concern
or question, please call us to speak with a doctor. Below are the post operative
instructions necessary to ensure proper healing.


You have been given an antibiotic to prevent infection. Please begin taking this as
directed, until all the medication is finished. The pain medication that you have been
given should be taken as directed and with a full stomach, otherwise you may
experience nausea and vomiting. If you were prescribed Chlorhexidine Mouthwash
(Peridex) begin rinsing two days following your treatment. Rinse twice a day for ten
days with nothing to eat or drink for one hour after rinsing.


It is normal to experience mild to moderate swelling, peaking at 48 hours. You can help
to decrease swelling by applying an ice bag to the affected area 20 minutes on, 10
minutes off, for the remainder of the day of surgery, and for as much of the next day as
possible. Sleeping with the head elevated also helps reduce swelling.


A cool liquid diet is recommended. To help the healing process, for the following week
after your surgery be sure to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of liquids and
be sure to eat foods high in vitamins and protein. Limit your diet to soft foods such as
yogurt, soups, puddings, pasta, tuna salad, flaky fish and soft cooked eggs. If you wear
a denture or a partial that will cover the implant site, leave it out during eating to
prevent pressure on the implant. Other than the above listed foods do not chew on
implant site during the healing phase (4 months or as long as your doctor recommends).

Care of Your Implant Site

There may be some bleeding or oozing at the implant sight which is normal for 24 hours
following the surgery. If you leave the office with a gauze pack, keep firm steady
pressure on the gauze for approximately one hour following the surgery, then remove.
Following the day of your surgery, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a warm
salt water solution (dissolve one teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water) three to four
times a day for the week following your surgery. Studies have shown a decrease in both
short and long-term success rates of dental implants in patients who smoke. If you have
thought about quitting smoking, now is a good time to do so.

If you have any problems or questions at any time, feel free to call 215-322-7810

Get Started

Begin your journey to better oral health today. Learn more about the services we provide, what to expect during your first visit, and schedule your appointment at Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants.