Same-Day Teeth

Without a full smile, you may feel the need to hide your teeth around others and while dentures can restore your smile’s appearance, they just don’t feel as comfortable as natural teeth. In addition to the negative oral health impacts, missing teeth can negatively affect your self-esteem. Our experts at Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants provide a solution to missing teeth and a healthy alternative to removable dentures: same-day teeth.

Also known as Teeth-in-a-Day or the All-on-4® treatment concept, same-day teeth provide you with a brand new smile in just a few hours. Dr. Salin, Dr. Weiner, Dr. Semanoff, or Dr. Nack will place several implant posts and attach a prosthesis that transforms your smile’s appearance and health. Our board-certified surgeons offer same-day teeth in Feasterville, Newtown, and Abington, PA. We invite you to contact us for an appointment to learn more about implant-supported teeth and how they can change your life.

Rebuild Your Smile With Same-Day Teeth

Same-day teeth treatment has several names, including Teeth-in-a-Day, All-on-4 treatment concept, and full-arch restoration. All of these procedures involve using dental implants to support a fixed denture, and only require one surgical appointment.

By restoring an entire arch of teeth at once, the overall treatment and recovery time is greatly reduced compared to multiple implant procedures. Once the final prosthesis is attached to the implants, it will stay in place at all times. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that prevents jaw bone loss by fusing to the bone, whereas removable dentures only rest on top of the bony ridge in the mouth. With this stability, dental implants are strong and provide the same function, appearance, and health benefits as natural teeth.

If you still have healthy adult teeth in your mouth and only require one or several replacement teeth, single dental implants may be the right treatment for you. We will explore all of your treatment options during your first visit to determine the right choice for your smile.

The Benefits of Same-Day-Teeth

There are many advantages to same-day tooth replacement, such as:

Improved chewing and speaking
Eliminate slipping or ill-fitting dentures
Prevent jaw bone loss
No dental adhesives necessary
Brush and floss like natural teeth
Your new teeth stay in at all times, even while you sleep
Only one surgical procedure needed

Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants offers financing options to help make same-day teeth an option for more patients. Contact us to schedule an appointment, and we will provide you with a cost estimate for your same-day teeth and discuss all of your payment options.

Am I a Candidate for Same-Day Teeth?

Our board-certified oral surgeons are experts in their field and make implant-based restorations a reality for more patients. If you’ve been previously told you do not qualify for dental implants, you may be a candidate for All-on-4, which does not require extensive bone grafting. Longer implant posts make this possible, which are inserted into more stable areas of the jaw.

Those who wear dentures and are unsatisfied with their replacement teeth are excellent candidates. Choosing a fixed solution will significantly increase your level of comfort and confidence with your smile. If you need new teeth, our experts will explore all of your treatment options to find the right restoration for your health, goals, and budget.

Same-Day Teeth in Feasterville, Newtown, and Abington, PA

You have many options when it comes to rebuilding your smile. Contact Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants today to find the right solution for you and to learn about same-day teeth in Feasterville, Newtown, or Abington, PA.

Types of Anesthesia

We offer a variety of choices to ensure a comfortable oral surgery experience.

Hear From Our Patients

A Practice Built On Trust, Innovation, and Clinical Excellence

For over 50 years, we have had the privilege of serving our communities with the highest level of oral surgery care. We love what we do, and we look forward to providing you and your loved ones with an outstanding patient experience and incredible results.

Local Anesthesia

Administered through a syringe, a local anesthetic numbs only the surgical site. The effects can last up to several hours. We often pair local anesthesia with another type of anesthesia or sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask. It provides mild sedation and pain relief and is often combined with other options, such as oral sedation, for optimal effect.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia will render you totally unconscious. This option is reserved for complex surgeries such as orthognathic surgery or facial reconstruction.

Intravenous (IV) Anesthesia

Your surgeon will inject the sedative into the vein, which will render you into a semi-conscious state. Also called twilight sedation or twilight dentistry, this option is ideal for extensive procedures or highly anxious patients.