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Why No Dairy After Dental Implants?

Some experts advise patients to avoid consuming dairy products after receiving dental implants because it may increase the risk of inflammation and infection and delay the healing process. Every patient is a little different, of course. It’s always best to defer to the guidance of your dental implants surgeon regarding your post-operative instructions.

If you’re a patient at Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, our staff is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have during your recovery. We are dedicated to helping people and go above and beyond to provide the ultimate patient experience while relieving pain and improving oral health.


Why No Dairy After Dental Implants Surgery?

During your recovery—particularly during the early stages—the area will be tender. You may use pain medications as recommended or prescribed to keep yourself more comfortable. However, it’s important to avoid consuming certain foods during this time.

Hard, crunchy, or chewy foods may aggravate the surgical site and perhaps even be painful. For this reason, some oral surgeons may recommend that patients consume soft foods, such as dairy products. However, although they are easy to eat, they may not be the best choice. Let’s take a closer look:


Potential for Increased Risk of Infection

Under normal circumstances, dairy products do not necessarily increase the risk of infection. However, these products introduce sugars such as lactose to the oral environment after surgery. Further, many yogurts may also contain added sugars, such as cane sugar. Bacteria thrive on lactose and other sugars and may enable it to grow on or near the surgical site.


Potential Risk of Increased Inflammation in the Mouth

Another reason your oral surgeon may advise you to avoid dairy products after dental implants is the potential for an increased risk of inflammation. Dairy products, particularly full-fat dairy products, are thought to contribute to this because they contain saturated fats.

Although evidence is inconclusive on whether dairy products directly cause inflammation, they may worsen existing inflammation by increasing the absorption of molecules called lipopolysaccharides.


Inadvertent Use of a Straw

Some dairy products, such as milkshakes, are traditionally consumed with a straw. After oral surgery, it’s essential to avoid using a straw for as long as your oral surgeon recommends, typically at least two weeks.

Using a straw involves suction, which can dislodge the blood clot over the surgical site. After oral surgery, the formation of the blood clot is crucial for supporting the healing process. If the blood clot is disturbed, you will likely develop more bleeding from the surgical site. There will also be an increased risk of infection.


What to Eat After a Dental Implant Procedure

What can you eat after receiving dental implants? Your mouth will be sensitive for a while, so it’s best to avoid eating foods that are too hot. For the first couple of days, you may want to stick to a diet of primarily liquids. Consider drinking meal replacement shakes, protein shakes, and non-dairy smoothies made with oat, soy, and nut milk. This is also a great way to increase your protein intake, and you’ll also get vitamins from the fruit. Be sure to blend your smoothies well so they aren’t too chunky—and don’t use a straw.

You could also try drinking broth during this time, but only if it is lukewarm. Try eggs, applesauce, ripe bananas, cooked cereals, sweet potatoes, sautéed greens, and fish as your healing progresses.


Compassionate Care, Exceptional Expertise

At Innovative Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, we take pride in prioritizing the health and safety of our patients. One of the ways we accomplish this is by delivering comprehensive patient education, ensuring that you are fully informed about all aspects of your procedure, including how to support your health during your recovery.

If you have any concerns while preparing for your procedure or during your recovery, our friendly team is here to help. Additionally, we’ve invested in the latest technology for our state-of-the-art surgical suites, so you can rest assured you’re getting the best available care in all of Bucks and Montgomery Counties, PA. Considering dental implants? Give us a call today to request a consultation.