What to Expect From Common Types of Oral Surgery

It’s perfectly normal to be a little anxious about an upcoming surgery. Learning more about what to expect may help calm your nerves. Another way to achieve greater peace of mind is by entrusting your health and safety to a specially trained oral surgeon who routinely performs complex procedures, ranging from dental implant surgery to removing large cysts and tumors from the jaw bone.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth often need to be extracted because they pose a risk of impaction. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that cannot fully erupt from the gum tissue. It can lead to oral infections and damage to the adjacent tooth. Oral surgeons typically prefer that wisdom teeth be extracted in adolescence or early adulthood, as this age group tends to recover faster with less risk of complications.

During the surgery, the oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue and remove the wisdom tooth. Afterward, a blood clot will form in the empty socket. It’s important to avoid disturbing this blood clot, as this will cause excess bleeding. Do not use straws or spit vigorously. Typically, patients can resume light activities the following day. Exercise should be avoided for a week.

Dental implant surgery

Dental implants are a superior option for missing teeth compared to dentures. Because they are integrated into the jawbone, dental implants help preserve the bone mass. They also look, feel, and function just like natural teeth.

Dental implant placement sometimes requires more than one procedure. The first step is to place the implant in the jawbone. Then, the oral surgeon can either place the abutment and crown right away or wait until after a healing period of weeks to months.

Like other types of oral surgery, dental implant procedures may result in temporary swelling, pain, and light bleeding. It’s advisable to stick with soft foods while the area heals. Dental implants have a high success rate. However, it’s vitally important to avoid smoking. Smokers are less likely to be good candidates to receive dental implants, and smoking can increase the likelihood of complications and premature failure.

Experienced oral surgeons in Bucks County, PA

If you require oral surgery, it’s imperative to go to a specialist with advanced training. The oral surgeons at Innovative Implant and Oral Surgery have extensive training and experience in this specialty, giving you the peace of mind you need to move forward with the procedure. Contact us in Newtown or Feasterville to request a consultation.

Additional resources on oral surgery: