Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The last of your adult teeth to erupt from the underlying gum are known as “wisdom teeth,” and typically begin to appear between the ages of 17 to 25. Often these teeth come in normally and require little special attention other than thorough cleaning of areas that may have become harder to reach.

However, in a significant number of cases, wisdom teeth do not have enough room to properly establish themselves in the dental structure. When this occurs, the teeth are considered to be impacted, and may begin to twist, tilt, or move out of place as they erupt. When wisdom tooth impaction occurs, food can become trapped between your teeth due to malposition, which can eventually result in gum inflammation, which in turn can lead to bone loss.

Fortunately, there are a number of clear warning signs that can help alert you to when your wisdom tooth may need professional attention.

Pain and Swelling

Due to their abnormal development, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to infection in the surrounding gums, which often causes pain at the site. Swelling is another common warning sign, and untreated infections can easily spread elsewhere in the mouth, affecting the entire jaw as well as the gums.

Pain and swelling makes it difficult to open and close the mouth, although the discomfort may come and go. In advanced stages impacted wisdom teeth can also cause consistent headaches, swollen glands in the neck, and other ailments, so it’s best to speak with one of our dentists as soon as you are concerned about an impacted wisdom tooth.


Although some individuals who develop impacted wisdom teeth may not experience any pain, the increased sensitivity of the dental structure in the area can cause bleeding while brushing or flossing. The gums may even begin to bleed when touched, making activities such as eating uncomfortable

It is important to note that bleeding can also be an early sign of gum disease, and one of our qualified professionals can monitor and evaluate your condition to recommend the right treatment options.

Bad Breath

If you suffer from persistent bad breath that just won’t seem to respond to everyday maintenance, an impacted wisdom tooth can be the cause. As wisdom teeth erupt into the dental structure, they can create crevices that become tricky to clean. Bacteria and food debris accumulate in these spaces, leaving an unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth.

Every individual is different, and some may experience most or all of these symptoms while others may exhibit few or even none. For this reason, regular monitoring and assessment are crucial to maintaining your dental health throughout your lifetime, and the dedicated staff at Innovative Implants and Oral Surgery have decades of combined experience keeping our clients smiling. Contact us today for a free consultation. If you are preparing for a procedure at our office for wisdom teeth removal, please review our pre- and post-surgery instructions carefully.